Widespread alterations in RNA processing (splicing, polyadenylation, decay, etc.) are common in dynamic cell states during development and malignancy. For example, many cancers harbor elevated levels ...
▎药明康德内容团队编辑(来源:中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心) 近日,《分子细胞》(Molecular Cell)在线发表了中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心陈玲玲研究组与复旦大学杨力研究组合作完成的关于内源环形RNA降解的最新研究成果。该研究解析了生理条件下环形RNA被核酸内切酶DIS3监控降解的新机制,实现了对环形RNA“生老病死”过程中特异调控及分子特征等基础研究的闭环。 环形RNA由m ...
which binds to specific promoter regions on the DNA and initiates the synthesis of the complementary RNA strand. The resulting primary transcript, known as pre-mRNA in eukaryotes, undergoes several ...
RNA breaks destined for repair are inflicted by sequence-specific or structure-specific endoribonucleases during physiological RNA processing (e.g. tRNA splicing; kinetoplast mRNA editing) and under ...
Splicing is a processing event in which non-coding segments ... It is well established that such aberrant splicing of RNA can generate unusual and at times ‘nonsensical’ proteins.
molecule during RNA processing to increase the stability of the molecule. Immediately after a gene in a eukaryotic cell is transcribed, the new RNA molecule undergoes several modifications known ...
We study minor spliceosome which is a parallel pre-mRNA splicing machinery in the cells of most metazoan organisms. Our main aim is to investigate mechanism and regulation of this nuclear machinery, ...
A vast search of natural diversity has led scientists at MIT's McGovern Institute and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard ...
A research team from the University of Barcelona's Institute of Neurosciences described a novel molecular mechanism that modifies protein synthesis and impacts RNA processing in Alzheimer's ...
C2H2 zinc finger proteins are the largest group of DNA-binding factors for transcription—the process of copying genetic ...