National Plant a Flower Day is all about celebrating the beauty of flowers. Planting them can also help save pollinators like ...
The eastern monarch butterfly population nearly doubled in 2025, but the numbers remain far below the long-term average.
“You can really make a difference to the local population. Any individual flower you put out it likely to get visited,” said ...
One butterfly comes so far, and then it will stop to reproduce, and then the offspring from that monarch will emerge from the ...
A Pennsylvania butterfly farmer says listing the monarch as a threatened species could do more harm than good.
A recent study combining data from more than 76,000 surveys from 35 monitoring programs across the country found butterfly ...
Butterflies are vanishing nationwide due to habitat loss, climate change and use of insecticides, according to a new study, ...
The population wintering in central Mexico's forests occupied 4.42 acres, up from 2.22 acres during the previous winter.
The chief causes of the decline include habitat destruction, drier and hotter climate due to climate change and insecticide ...
A study recently published in the journal Science determined that the butterfly population across the continental U.S. has ...
A new study finds the number of butterflies has dropped 22% since 2000, a new study finds. Scientists blame insecticides, ...