Wauwatosa School Board members typically serve three-year terms. However, the candidate who wins Seat 7 this April will serve ...
Illinois legislators are considering several bills to provide rules for Artificial Intelligence in Education, Healthcare and ...
Alice Hamilton was known for her “shoe leather” epidemiology — wearing out the soles of her shoes from all the trips to ...
The dumbness of Musk’s recent online speech should be beyond dispute at this point, even to his defenders. One popular ...
The five candidates, in the order they appear on the ballot, are Justice Keene, Nate McGraw, incumbent Kishor Kapale, ...
What would you do if you bumped a child’s grade up to help them pass, but the parents misunderstood what happened and started ...
The Clara Hearne Pre-K Center in Roanoke Rapids has adopted the model of Conscious Discipline to avoid suspensions and ...
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- "Semper fidelis," always faithful. True to the Corps' motto, when a retired marine was faced with a ...
Years of studying Satoshi Nakamoto led me to a new prime suspect. What if crypto’s creator isn’t the benign figure people ...
Professor Bessembinder and his associates utilized security data from the Center for Research in Securities Prices (CRSP).
There’s a fine line between teaching children and controlling them. This line is drawn by the freedom to make mistakes. As ...
From landmark indies to star-studded blockbusters, Steven Soderbergh has restlessly forged an eclectic body of work.