The expansion introduced the Dracthyr, a new playable race with unique abilities ... Top 10 famous Native American actors and actresses in Hollywood WoW expansions have transformed the game world by ...
What are the best WoW addons? Blizzard’s critically acclaimed MMORPG hides a lot of useful data it collects, and picking up a mod that offers a peek behind the curtain can be a literal game ...
Battle for Azeroth, the seventh WoW expansion pack, dropped on Nov. 3, 2017. It raised the level cap to 120 and came with the new Zandalar and Kul Tiras continents. Four new races were also added ...
All of the WoW character tracker sites that we’ve gathered use Blizzard’s in-house data to create an aggregate rundown of your character’s progress in Azeroth. Sometimes, the sites will even ...
Along the way he dove into details about developer Blizzard and WoW's success. He said the game over its lifetime has seen over 150 million subscribers, making it the "best subscription business ...
Evokers will be receiving the Opulent Treasurescale’s Hoard (above right), which pops with its swirling glow effects but fails to truly rise above the other similar outfits that we’ve seen our ...
By contrast, Legacy: Steel and Sorcery feels like a condensed version of the WoW experience, with added extraction mechanics to boot. It’s a game that showed a lot of promise in its alpha stages ...