世界经济论坛2025年年会于1月20日至24日在瑞士小镇达沃斯举行。本次年会主题为“智能时代的合作”,呼吁国际社会发扬合作精神,携手应对全球性挑战。来自全球各领域的近3000名代表出席此次年会,围绕重塑全球增长、助推智能时代产业发展、职业培训和新兴就 ...
《全球风险报告》由世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)在其瑞士达沃斯(Davos)年度会议召开之前发布。基于全球风险网络(Global Risk ...
(原标题:SFC Outlook 2025|Paul Gruenwald’s Take on the Fed’s Rate Strategy and Market Risks) The World Economic Forum in Davos ...
China will focus on high-quality development and high-level opening up, and bring more surprises to the world economy, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said in Beijing on Monday. It is ...
民间智库等12家机构均预测,扣除物价变动因素的实际增长率环比有所增加。换算成年增长率在0.5%至1.7%之间,12家机构中有8家预测增长率超过1%,其余4家预测低于 1%。
PARIS, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit opened on Monday in Paris, focusing on global AI governance. "It is high time that we move from science fiction to the real ...
Peng Fuwei, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, said that China has established a dual manufacturing-service model to develop its ice and ...
BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese ticketing platform Maoyan has further revised its forecast for "Ne Zha 2," projecting the animated blockbuster will reach 14.25 billion yuan (about 1.99 billion U.
(VOVWORLD) -越南国会常委会第42次会议2月10日讨论包括将经济增长目标调整到8%以上在内的2025年经济社会发展补充提案呈文。
迄今为止发表的数百份分析报告中,没有一份能像30日公布的宏观数据那样清晰。德国人均国内生产总值 (GDP)倒退了近10年。欧盟统计局刚刚公布的数据显示,德国人的人均收入在2024年降至36130欧元,这是自2016年以来未曾出现过的水平。
China has maintained its position as the world's largest trading nation in goods during the past eight years, the country's ...