Research on the insectome in and around broiler breeder pullet farms has identified new potential vectors of Histomonas meleagridis, the protozoa that ...
You can have a beautiful, productive garden while working with nature to manage insect pests. As you incorporate various ...
An armadillo was treated to a special, insect-filled birthday cake as he turned 23 years old at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, on Tuesday, March 11, the zoo said.Video of the ...
The Brahminy blind snake is a small, non-poisonous snake from Southeast Asia that reproduces asexually. It mainly feeds on ...
Insects’ aversion to worm castings is demonstrated when they are spread over ant nests, causing the ants to remove themselves ...
"Global climate warming triggers an expansion of insect geographic coverage, increasing overwintering survival and the number ...
The discovery of a tiny creature in the Siberian permafrost has sparked conversations about how resilient life can be. In a recent breakthrough, researchers determined that a worm which had been ...
You can typically get rid of a ringworm infection with over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal treatments. Certain cleaning practices at home may also help speed recovery. A ringworm rash can be ...
With increasing demand on our food systems, insect farming presents a sustainable alternative that aligns with circular economy principles. This month, a groundbreaking European Union ...
Insect and spider bites can cause small lacerations, swelling, skin discoloration, blisters, and other symptoms. Home treatment may relieve symptoms but some bites may need medical attention ...
Want to catch every fish in Mariana’s Veil? This vast event in Fisch has become a bit of a source of frustration, especially because of the Secret fish needed to unlock the Veil of the Forsaken ...