Send your faith note item to for publication. Submission deadline for the current week of publication is 9 a.m. Friday. Times and dates are subject to change; contact t ...
New Palestine Bible Church will host food trucks and a guest speaker April 8 for the solar eclipse. Services take place Sunday unless otherwise noted. The church is located at 1202 E. Fifth St.
Shiloh Baptist Church (New Site), 525 Princess Anne St., worships each Sunday at 10 a.m. Services are also livestreamed at ...
The deadline for submitting items for the religion page is 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Items are published as space allows.
Memorial Presbyterian Church will hold two worship services at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on Palm Sunday, April 13, and will partner with the national Presbyterian Church USA to collect a One Great Hour of ...
1119 Union St. S., Concord. Pastor: Rev. Brian Crady. Sunday school for “In Betweens” and young adults at 9 a.m. Worship at 10 a.m. Nursery and children’s church are provided during the worship ...
Months ago, Gateway Church's lead pastor Robert Morris was accused of molesting a 12-year-old in the 1980s. The fallout has been far-reaching.
The U.K. Christian right is increasingly drawing on a U.S.-forged playbook. It is also drawing on U.S. money. But the U.K.
I once got lost in the woods behind my house. I was a young adult and hadn’t been in these woods for several years. The ...
The following is a list of in-person and online worship services and events happening at churches and synagogues in the Oakland County area. Visit websites or call for service times and events. • ...