It breaks my heart every time I see the symbol Yahweh set apart to be a reminder to us of his mercy and faithfulness being stripped of its meaning by society and is now used to celebrate the sins of ...
It was a huge building which stood as a symbol of the power possessed by the ancient city of Babylon ... Having observed the city and tower, Yahweh confounded their speech so that they were no longer ...
That is why English Bibles use LORD in the place of Yahweh. That is why Matthew's gospel ... Why does the Bible itself uphold the orthodox idea of using terms such as Kingdom of Heaven as a symbol for ...
She remained the symbol of fertility ... and this brings in the warrior gods, like Zeus, like Yahweh. The sword and death, instead of fertility. Right. Particularly the Hebrews.
Christians are to hate sin and its effects—and we do (Zechariah 8:17; Romans 8:12-13; Colossians 3:5-8; Revelation 2:6), while unbelievers often love their sin (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). Believers hate ...
Noah and his ark remind us that “the state can never … find itself in a position where it can rightfully dispense with or deny the right to free speech”; the Tower of Babel is a symbol of ...