To see a breaching whale, a soaring bald eagle, bears catching salmon, or a bison up close are unforgettable, awe-inspiring ...
It was a chilling video. A jogger on a trail near Provo, Utah, happened upon a female cougar and her very young kittens. Mama ...
The hearing comes as the park’s wild bison are once again being captured by the National Park Service and shipped to slaughter or entered in a quarantine program.
Onslaught of infections suggests that feeding operations are exacerbating the spread of a deadly prion disease that’s making ...
The Bitterroot National Forest is hitting the brakes on a 4-year-old proposal to use thinning and prescribed burning to ...
Earlier this year, two elk tested positive for chronic wasting disease on the Dell Creek Feedground near Pinedale, Wyoming.
The annual buffalo harvest is underway just outside Yellowstone National Park. The controversial program delivers organic ...
Bison herds have the right of way. Traffic jams are the worst, am I right? There’s nothing more infuriating than getting set ...