And in the realm of Yiddish letters, it has come to mean retelling the story of the megillah — often with outrageously funny distortions — in rhyming verse (gramen) rather than staid prose. Guest: Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus at University of ...
It was more than just talk: he founded Der Nister, the first Yiddish synagogue in Downtown Los Angeles. Der Nister is Yiddish for The Hidden, and that’s an apt description – the shul is ...
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Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
Its appearance shook the Yiddish literary world. By Joseph Berger Altie Karper had been waiting for the call for years. An editor at a Knopf imprint, she had long wanted to publish an English ...
And I like playing with the shapes of letters.” Jewish campaign merch ... Stevenson,” was written in a Germanized and misspelled Yiddish. (Bryan lost to William McKinley.) ...
To remind us of the obvious, it shouldn't require a tariff war for us to commit to "buying local." ...
They spoke Yiddish, a hybrid language based on old German, incorporating words from biblical Hebrew and local languages. When we were growing up, hearing stories of the old East End from our relatives ...