林汉荣,马来西亚知名企业家,亦是云升集团(Yinson Holdings)创始人兼主席。云升集团的故事始于1984年,当时这家公司只是一个默默无闻的物流公司。林汉荣凭借着其敏锐的商业头脑和卓越的领导能力,将这个小型企业一步步发展为全球能源行业的佼佼者 ...
Chief executive Flemming Gronnegaard and his executive team along with Yinson Holdings chief executive Lim Chern Yuan were in Oslo this week to ring the bell on the company's $600 million corporate ...
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras PBR, on behalf of the Tupi field consortium, recently announced an extension to the charter term of the FPSO Cidade de Angra dos Reis by another five years.
Floater specialist BW Offshore has been awarded a contract for the pre-FEED study of the Bay du Nord FPSO by Norwegian oil major Equinor. Andreas Sohmen-Pao’s company said in a social media post ...
each owning 10%. Carnarvon said Santos, which is Dorado's operator, had decided not to purchase a floating production storage and offloading vessel, or FPSO, that was an option for the first phase ...
(吉隆坡21日讯)云升控股(YINSON,7293,主板能源股)旗下浮式储卸生产油船(FPSO)公司——云升岸外生产控股(YPOHL),计划在三年内投入45亿至60亿美元(约202亿至300亿令吉)资本支出推展业务,并部署在美国上市。 彭博报道,YPOHL财务总监马库斯·温克接受 ...
Yinson Production's CFO, Markus Wenker speaks about his company's strong fundraising performance of $1 billion to drive long term projects, such as replacing and developing oil and gas infrastructure.
An icon of a desk calendar. An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. An icon of a paper envelope. An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. An icon ...
Yinson Production exploring US listing in 3-5 years, CFO says FPSO unit valued at $3.7 billion, more than two times parent Yinson Production Offshore Pte. plans to allocate $4.5 billion to $6 billion ...
财中社1月16日电博迈科(603727)发布公告,公司与STS VOF签署了海上浮式生产储卸油船(FPSO)上部模块的建造合同,合同金额为7.5亿元-10亿元 ...