Big Bad Wolf, the studio behind Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong, has announced its next game, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss.
Blending traditional Lovecraftian mythos with the horror investigation of Outlast, Cthulhu The Cosmic Abyss looks absolutely ...
The Cosmic Abyss, an upcoming psychological thriller game inspired by Lovecraft's universe from Big Bad Wolf (developers of ...
Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss has been unveiled. Dive into the abyss, face the madness and escape Cthulhu's grip - if you can ...
Powered by Unreal Engine 5, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss features mind-bending environments that defy the laws of physics, pushing the boundaries of immersive storytelling to new heights.
近日,全球玩家期待已久的冒险游戏《Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss》终于在Steam平台上线,预计于2026年正式发布。虽尚不支持中文,但这款游戏的设定与玩法绝对值得我们深入探讨。如果你对神秘与恐怖充满兴趣,千万不要错过这款游戏的商店页面,准备迎接一场心灵的考验。
With the help of your AI companion, Key, explore the vast, labyrinthine prison of R'lyeh—an ancient, sunken city of cyclopean proportions—and resist the creeping madness caused by Cthulhu's ...