The next Xbox console is reportedly slated for a 2027 release Sources claim that the next-gen console has been "fully ...
Yes, there are a few true Roguevanias out there, and some really fun ones. But there are a lot more that are, frankly, a bit ...
调查冒险游戏《克苏鲁:宇宙深渊(Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss)》公布,该作由Big Bad Wolf采用虚幻5引擎开发,采用第一人称设定,玩家将扮演一名神秘学调查员,受命揭开深海之下的秘密,定于2026年发售,登陆PC,PS5和Xbox Series X|S。暂不支持中文。太平洋深渊中的一个采矿站突然失联。你,作为一名神秘学调查员,受 ...
Kojima Productions has announced the release date and special editions for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, releasing on June ...