The recent 5-star safety rating from the NHTSA has thrilled Elon Musk to the extent that he recalled he also manages a car ...
Tesla has shared footage of a Cybertruck crashing head-on into a concrete wall. The impact was recorded from several angles, ...
The Cybertruck has a cult following in the U.S., but safety issues such as excessive size and acceleration and sharp edges ...
【智车派新闻】近日,特斯拉宣布其全电动皮卡Cybertruck荣获美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)五星安全评级,成为继福特F-150 Lightning后,第二款获得该荣誉的电动皮卡。为了展示其在安全性方面的突出表现,特斯拉还发布了一段幕后视频,向公众揭秘了其“碰撞实验室”,展示了Cybertruck如何通过创新设计提升安全性,涵盖了从大型单体铸件到防翻车技术的多项测试。
Elon Musk’s cost-cutting team is eliminating jobs at the vehicle safety agency that oversees Tesla and has launched ...