Drone mapping technology has advanced significantly in recent years, with Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) positioning emerging as game-changing technologies.
bringing high-performance drone survey technology to a wider audience. The TrueView 1 Lite, GeoCue’s most accessible LiDAR sensor yet, is “designed to bring survey-grade accuracy to all.” ...
it reduces mapping costs by nearly half, according to the center. The center is accelerating efforts to upgrade and commercialize the drone while continuously expanding its application scenarios ...
Not only do they look totally different, but they also work differently, thanks to a new-to-Roomba feature: lidar navigation and mapping. iRobot has started publishing suction power specs for its ...
the world's first ultra-compact portable mapping drone. It is designed to perform asset digitization scanning tasks in indoor environments.
CYdLidar.h is a convenience include that includes all the headers necessary to use the most common public pieces of the YDLIDAR SDK. Serial port does not correspond ...
High Precision, Long-Range UAV Lidar & Drone Lidar Mapping Solutions At YellowScan, we design, develop and build Lidar solutions for professionals that require performanc ...
( For more than one recipient, type addresses separated by comma ) ...
CYdLidar.h is a convenience include that includes all the headers necessary to use the most common public pieces of the YDLIDAR SDK. Serial port does not correspond ...
On Tuesday, a video of Drake throwing a shoe at a drone went viral. The footage begins with a shot of an open laptop and a glass of what appears to be rosé on the upper floors of a penthouse in ...