纽约讯——根据最新的SEC文件显示,New Germany Fund Inc.(NYSE:GF)的主要股东Saba Capital Management, L.P.近期增加了其持股。该公司于2025年3月6日以每股9.95美元的价格购入4,925股普通股,总交易额为49,003美元。此次收购后,Saba Capital在New Germany Fund的总持股量达到1,706,659股。根据 ...
3月13日,雷司令迎来了590岁的生日。 据了解,自2019年起,德国葡萄酒协会将每年3月13日定为“雷司令生日”,以纪念1435年3月13日这一历史性时刻——雷司令(Riesling)首次被书面记载于德国莱茵高产区。
DUISBURG, GERMANY - JANUARY 17: A worker oversees molten iron undergoing purification and alloying to become steel at the ...
BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 13: Symbolic photo on the topic of division of labor among couples in the household. A man sits in a ...
最令人信服的证据来自于车门内侧腻子脱落的部位,脱落处露出了门框封边内的白漆,与车身颜色一致,这充分证明了车门并未更换,而是进行了修复并做旧处理。面对铁证如山,汽修厂给出的解释显得苍白无力——他们声称为了保证修复质量,对车门内外都进行了喷漆修复。这样的 ...
During the “Two Sessions” of 2025, Oliver Oehms, the Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in North China, emphasized that the growing strength of Sino-German trade and cooperation. He ...
PARIS, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Defense ministers from Europe's top five military powers, France, Germany, Britain, Italy and Poland, met on Wednesday in Paris and voiced support for the Ukrainian army.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
金价历史上首次涨穿3000美元整数位心理关口!周五(3月14日)纽约尾盘,现货黄金跌0.08%,报2986.80美元/盎司,北京时间18:18曾涨至3004.94美元,首次冲上3000美元,本周累计上涨2.65%。COMEX黄金期货涨0.19%,报2 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...