格莱美奖得主拉凯什·乔拉西亚(Pt. Rakesh Chaurasia)将作为特别嘉宾亮相柴提艺术节(Chaiti Arts Festival),为观众带来印度拉格的永恒之美。他深情的笛声将超越文化和音乐的界限,为观众呈现独一无二的艺术体验。
这是本人原创译自ATP官网的部分原文,原文标题:Rune ends Tsitsipas' winning streak, reaches ninth Masters 1000 QF in Indian ...
(法新社印地安泉14日电) 白俄罗斯女子网球好手莎芭莲卡今天以6比0、6比1直落二胜出,为她在澳网败给美国选手基斯报了一箭之仇,并抢下印地安泉网赛决赛门票,将与俄罗斯天才少女安德瑞娃争冠。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...