Windows 11 24H2 had some big issues with letting users set the date and time on their devices. But now the bug is fixed.
Microsoft has presented a solution for the stubborn date and time bug in Windows 11 24H2. The update fixes a problem that ...
本月初,微软官方网站上出现了一个令人哭笑不得的网页,标题声称介绍如何卸载微软 Edge 浏览器,内容却大篇幅诋毁谷歌 Chrome 浏览器。这一“假指南”事件引发了大量争议,微软随后不得不将该网页悄然撤下。
Windows 11 即将迎来四周年纪念,但其开始菜单自发布以来一直备受争议。近日,微软计划通过更新解决用户长期以来的困扰,未来用户将能以更少的点击操作访问应用程序。据悉,更新将引入“所有应用”列表的两种新视图,允许用户打开开始菜单时直接显示所有应用列表,而非默认的固定应用和推荐应用。同时,用户仍可切换回标准模式。
In today’s connected world, access to technology is central to the way we operate, and it is fundamental to a more equitable future. Accessibility is the vehicle for inclusion of people with ...