President Donald Trump on Monday granted a full and unconditional pardon to Rod Blagojevich ... trying to sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat. Blagojevich had served nearly ...
Rod Blagojevich helps correct an injustice and ... following the election of Barack Obama to the presidency. Referring to his power to appoint Obama’s replacement in the Senate, Blagojevich ...
Blagojevich was convicted on corruption charges for trying to sell a Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama. Trump commuted the former governor's sentence in 2020.
Rod Blagojevich and his wife ... the story that starts with one president, President Obama, ends with another, President Trump, and most of the stories about a governor in prison with Crips ...
Rod Blagojevich, five years after commuting his 14-year sentence for political corruption charges. Blagojevich, a former "Celebrity Apprentice" contestant, served eight years in prison on charges ...
Rod Blagojevich tries to get into his house as ... including attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama following his 2008 presidential election. This pardon follows Trump's ...
President Trump on Monday signed a full and unconditional pardon for Rod Blagojevich ... contributions and trying to sell former President Obama’s Senate seat after he was elected to the ...
Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich says he is "profoundly grateful ... trying to sell or trade former President Barack Obama's former Senate seat. Five years after commuting Blagojevich ...
Perhaps the most telling moment of the news conference Rod Blagojevich ... profit by dealing the Obama Senate seat. In upholding 13 corruption charges against Blagojevich, federal Judge Frank ...