Eight green sea turtles were released back into the Atlantic Ocean nearly a month after an arctic blast in northern Florida.
Sea Turtle Inc. is preparing for its third wave of cold-stunned turtles during this winter season. On Friday, the non-profit ...
Gulf World Marine Institute took in 1200 cold-stunned sea turtles last month. They care for acute cold-stunned turtles, who ...
“Sea turtles’ bodies can quickly heal from the severity of a missing limb — recovery needs to be fast after the trauma of ...
Around 6.41 lakh Olive Ridley sea turtles have laid eggs on the Rushikulya sea beach between Podampeta to Bateshwar till ...
N.C. Aquarium on Roanoke Island, and Coast Guardsmen from Station Hatteras Inlet recently teamed up to release more than 25 ...
Dr. Debi Luke with The Florida Aquarium talked about the efforts to save cold-stunned sea turtles.
Most Southwest Florida beaches are on a renourishment schedule, which calls for sand to be pumped on to the coastline every ...
COLUMN. Researchers have shown that juveniles just a few weeks old can learn and memorize the magnetic signatures of specific ...
BHUBANESWAR: A staggering 6.41 lakh Olive Ridley turtles have laid eggs at Rushikulya rookery so far in the current nesting ...
CHENNAI: After the mass death of Olive Ridley turtles last month, Chennai beaches have witnessed a wave of change with brisk nesting in the last few weeks, and ...
On any given day, barring only extreme weather conditions, hundreds of visitors venture into this water wonderland to watch spectacular shows. In this place, where the dense Ilanin Forest West meets ...