Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在当今留学热潮中,越来越多的学生选择将学业重心转向海外,而其中,A-Level课程的学生特别受到青睐。本文将讲述K同学从深圳知名国际学校就读A-Level课程,到成功申请进入美国顶尖中学圣安东尼高中(Saint Anthony's High School)的逆袭之路,探讨这一过程中的关键因素和成功秘诀。
洛威尔高中 (Lowell High School)是一所位于温哥华市中心的私立高中, 是BC省教育部认证的高中, 并且有私立学校联合会认证, EduCanada认证, 是IB全球学校的一部分. 针对 11 年级和 12 年级学生的国际文凭课程(IBDP),学生可在两年内完成 BC 省教育部和国际文凭组织的要求,从而获得 IB 国际文凭及 BC 省 Dogwood 文凭; ...
二月一日下午一点,冬阳照射着铺满白雪的大地,清冷的天气挡不住人们欢庆蛇年春节的热情,数百人兴致勃勃地聚集在万锦特鲁多中学(Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School)礼堂, 参加辅众社区一年一度的第五届三代同堂庆新春联欢大会。
Students attend the opening ceremony of the new semester at a primary school in north China's Tianjin Municipality, Feb. 17, ...
Open Days are a unique opportunity for families to visit Dulwich College Shanghai Pudongl, meet the team and receive an exclusive introduction to their world-class holistic education. Each Open Day ...
In ancient times, academies served as spiritual homes for scholars. In the past decade or so, amid the revival of traditional ...
Local police have initiated an investigation into a middle school teacher in Baise, southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang ...