Don't let the thickness of this rich tonkotsu soup scare you off! These restaurants are serving up some serious noodles in Osaka.
杉并区立中央图书馆于1982年开馆。以“自然与建筑的共生”为主题,外观采用统一的银色调,现代感十足且庄严的玻璃幕墙与象征性的喜马拉雅大杉树及建筑周围种植的树木完美融合,与周围环境和谐共生。 2020年,在保留黑川设计的外观基础上,馆内进行了 ...
Exiting a tunnel under the Kitayamazaki Cliffs reveals a hidden cove that seems like something out of a fantasy tale. As we emerged from the coastal forest onto a large chunk of granite known as ...
Although almost all inexpensive ramen uses a soy-sauce-based soup, Fuku-no-Ken breaks the mold and serves up its piping hot ramen bowls with tonkotsu ramen. Just a hop, skip and a jump away from ...
「めんべい(Menbei)」是明太子,花枝,章鱼为原料做成的仙贝。与一般的仙贝不同的地方是,辣味明太子刚入口有点辣,但第二口第三口的奶油味就会中和口中的刺激感,吃起来变得很顺口。这款福冈机场限定的明太奶油口味仙贝,一打开包装就有很香的鱼介 ...
横滨中华街(よこはまちゅうかがい)坐落在神奈川县横滨市中区的山下町,是日本乃至东亚首屈一指的中华街。它的历史可以追溯到1866年的横滨新田居留地时期,至今已逾150载春秋。在1955年之前,这片街区还被称为唐人町或南京町。尽管这里的侨胞大多来自 ...
Even the land of the rising sun occasionally has stomach problems. Between the language barrier and the sheer amount of medicines available, such delicate situations can be a lot to digest. We're here ...
In collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, David Bouley's Brushstroke offers traditional Japanese multi-course cuisine for the Tribeca area. The basic foundation of a traditional ...
伊势地区常以伊势神宫而文明与此,除此之外,风景如画,可口美食,同样也是伊势招徕游人的招牌。现在只要买一张近铁通券,就可以从大阪出发,开始伊势之旅。 既然来到日本,就不得不去那些建筑造型古朴而庄重、历史气息厚重且令人沉醉的古城一看。