Correspondence to Dr Maira Hameed, Academic Section of Vascular Surgery, Division of Surgery, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, Charing Cross ...
A problem with epidemiological studies of football injuries is the inconsistent manner in which injury is defined and data are collected. Projects have been initiated to study the incidence and causes ...
1 New South Wales Institute of Sports Medicine, Sydney, Australia 2 Department of Immunology, Concord Hospital, Concord, New South Wales, Australia Objective: To evaluate the incidence of ...
Correspondence to Dr Theresa Anita Diermeier, Department of Sportorthopedics, Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universitat Munchen, Munchen 81675, Germany; resi.diermeier{at} Whereas ...
1 FIFA Medical Excellence Centre, Santy Orthopedicae clinical, sport science and research department, Lyon, France Background In modern professional soccer, the ability to recover from official ...
Objectives: To undertake a detailed, large scale epidemiological study of match injuries sustained by professional rugby union players in order to define their incidence, nature, severity, and causes.
Background: The reported incidence, severity and nature of injuries sustained in tennis vary considerably between studies. While some of these variations can be explained by differences in sample ...
Low energy availability (EA) is suspected to be the underlying cause of both the Female Athlete Triad and the more recently defined syndrome, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). The ...
Background Sexual and physical abuse have been reported from all levels of sports. Associations between abuse victimization and sports injury have not been fully investigated. Objective To examine the ...
Objectives To compare hospitalisation rates, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and mortality for patients with COVID-19 who were consistently inactive, doing some activity or consistently meeting ...