Satellite Compass SC-110 provides accurate readings course on hundreds of vessels around the world, providing all the information about the direction and position of the vessel (ground speed (SOG), ...
FM 8900S production FURUNO is an updated version of the popular radio equipment developed on the basis of an all in one that meets GMDSS safety and communication, as well as the new requirements of ...
Закончили работы по сборке и коммутации электрооборудования плавкрана проекта С4000 ...
The optical direction finder PGK-2 is designed for direction finding of coastal objects, celestial bodies and determination of heading angles along the azimuth circle of the repeater.
Получено одобрение в соответствии с требованиями Lloyd's Register для утверждения ООО "Связь и радионавигация СПб", как поставщика расходных материалов. Регистр Ллойда (англ. Lloyd's Register of ...
Аварийный радиобуй – устройство, предназначенное для извещения поисково-спасательных служб о бедствии судна, посредством подачи сигнала. Является основным элементом ГМССБ. Используется ...
The cargo tank monitoring system manufactured by MPC Electronics checks the alarm circuits before starting cargo operations and gives an alarm when the power supply of the level sensors is lost. The ...
KU-band KNS Z15 MK2 is a maritime satellite VSAT system with a 150 cm antenna suitable for installation on large ships. The increased reliability and robustness of the system guarantees safety in all ...
The publication contains in Russian and English the text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended by the 1988 Protocol thereto, and includes all amendments ...
STV- 160 - VHF radiotelephone apparatus bilateral approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for use on vessels , as emergency equipment , the Russian River Register of Shipping for use on ...
DEMSH - is a small microphone with electromagnetic and differential characteristics. The principle of operation is to convert sound vibrations into electrical oscillations of sound frequency. It used ...