Hill Country Amateur Radio Club has been recognized by American Radio Relay League as a Special Service Club, a distinction ...
It seems we can’t tune into any Texas news outlet these days without hearing some “expert” talking about school needs: ...
While doing my research for this week’s column, I got sidetracked. It happens often. I find something that interests me and ...
Where to begin? Two weeks ago, we made the comment that for Christians, everything needs to have a warrant or approval from ...
Since 1876, when Texans adopted our current Constitution, a Texas spring brings wildflowers, wind, warmer temperatures and, ...
In today’s fast-paced world, many people struggle to maintain a well-balanced life. Between work, family and personal ...
Kerrville Pets Alive! is often tasked with finding homes for pets whose owners have died or have become incapacitated and ...
As followers of Christ, we have the opportunity to become as close to God as we desire, and the result is an increased ...
Tivy High School’s aviation program is a standout example of student dedication and achievement.
MILLINGTON, Tennessee – A Kerrville native is serving aboard USS Iwo Jima, a U.S. Navy Wasp class amphibious assault ship.
Fredericksburg Chief of Police Brian Vorauer was the speaker at the March meeting of the Military Order of the World Wars.
The Hill Country Breast Cancer Support Group will host two motivational speakers at the meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 19 ...