Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Correspondence to Donna Windish Department of Internal Medicine, Yale Primary Care Residency Program, ...
Vaccination is a life-saving endeavour, yet risk and uncertainty are unavoidable in science and medicine. Vaccination remains contentious in the public mind, and vaccine hesitancy is a serious public ...
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Health technology assessment in India in the next decade: reflections on a vision for its path to maturity and impact ...
Correspondence to Dr Eden S N McCaffrey, Deparmtent of Psychiatry, Alberta Health Services, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2E5 K4, Canada; eden.mccaffrey{at} We tested the hypothesis that a ...
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We are living through a health financing emergency, with persistent inflation, anaemic growth and record levels of debt servicing constraining especially poorer country governments’ ability to invest ...
Objectives To describe the development and initial evaluation of a brief e-learning course as a means of teaching shared decision making and risk communication skills to clinicians of all specialties.
Numerous drivers push specialist diagnostic approaches down to primary care (‘diagnostic downshift’), intuitively welcomed by clinicians and patients. However, primary care’s different population and ...
Objectives To compare the efficacy of influenza vaccines of any valency for adults 60 years and older. Design and setting Systematic review with network meta-analysis (NMA) of randomised controlled ...
Objectives To study the extent of blinding in randomised clinical trials of psychological interventions and the interpretative considerations if randomised clinical trials are not blinded. Design ...
This paper is part of a series of methodological guidance from the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group. Rapid reviews (RRs) use modified systematic review methods to accelerate the review process ...