在与日本首相石破茂首次会晤之后,唐纳德·特朗普总统赞扬了美国和日本几十年之久的“历史、商务、文化”纽带和两国人民之间的“相互敬仰和极大尊重”。他对两国珍视的联盟关系将继续兴旺发展表达了信心。 美国国务卿马尔科·卢比奥最近在访问 ...
On the third Monday of each January, Americans honor the memory of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, who advocated for social change through ...
This is not about ending foreign aid. It’s about structuring it in a way that furthers the national interest of the United States,” said Secretary Rubio.
Marc Fogel’s release, said National Security Advisor Waltz, “serves as a show of good faith from the Russians and a sign we ...
Countering ISIS and other terrorist groups around the world is a top priority for the Trump Administration,” said Ambassador ...
唐納德·特朗普總統讓美國退出多個激進反美的聯合國組織。透過一項行政命令,特朗普總統結束了美國在聯合國人權理事會(UNHRC)的成員國身份,禁止今後向聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處(UNRWA)提供任何資金。 根據美國疾管中心的訊息,2023年,約7.4萬美 ...
The ICC’s recent actions, President Trump wrote, “set a dangerous precedent” that endangers United States personnel, ...
Our service members work together every day to defend our common interests. Japan is committed to double its defense spending ...
From the earliest days of our republic, faith in God has always been the ultimate source of the strength that beats in the ...
امریکہ آئی ایس آئی ایس یعنی داعش کے مسلسل خطرے کی وجہ سے اس کا مقابلہ کرنے اور اسے تباہ کرنے کی اپنی کوششوں سے گریز نہیں کرے گا۔ اس مقصد کے لیے امریکہ نے یکم فروری کو صومالیہ میں داعش کے خلاف ...
"There’s a real opportunity for Haiti to grow into a hub of near-shore manufacturing, near-shore light manufacturing. That ...
Secretary Rubio thanked the Costa Rican president Rodrigo Chaves Robles for prioritizing the security of their 5G system by ...