Yisrael Medad spent many hours with the poet and Revisionist Zionist Uri Tzvi Greenberg (1896-1981) at Greenberg’s Ramat Gan home in the decade prior to his death. ‘He prayed wrapped in tallit and ...
Centrism is ‘the antidote to the extremism and sustained attacks on liberal democracy that are sweeping much of the democratic world.’ So writes Yair Zivan, the editor of this timely volume, setting ...
Oliver Sears is the founder of Holocaust Awareness Ireland. ‘Irish politicians line up to be photographed with the community on Holocaust Memorial Day,’ he writes, ‘But those same politicians will not ...
Ethiopian Jews pictured on board the Bat Galim ship on their journey to Israel in 1984. Photograph courtesy of Raffi Berg.
Karin Stögner is Professor of Sociology at the University of Passau, Germany and co-ordinator of the Research Network on Racism and Antisemitism in the European Sociological Association. In this ...
Pnina Pfeuffer (right) speaking at an Israel-Palestine: Creative Regional Initiatives (IPCRI) event titled 'Violence, Revenge and Redemption : A close look at Jewish radical violence', 27 February ...
George Stevens is co-founder of the 4MENA Network, the first network of organisations from Israel, Palestine and across the MENA region devoted to a more inclusive, interconnected and peaceful future ...
Tolstoy famously wrote that ‘All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ The Abu Fraiha family – the subject of a beautiful and moving documentary In ...
Liam Hoare launches a new Fathom series in which our writers re-read classic texts. Past Continuous, Yaakov Shabtai’s novel of three friends set in 1970s Tel Aviv, was first published in Hebrew in ...
A few months ago, Presbyterians for Middle East Peace (PFMEP) published Peace And Faith: Christian Churches and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, a new interfaith collection coedited by Cary Nelson ...
Lesley Klaff is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. Holocaust inversion is, in the words of the late Manfred Gerstenfeld, ‘the portrayal of Israel, Israelis and Jews as modern ...
Michael Yudkin is an emeritus Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) was founded in 1915, and one of its first acts was to ...