BYD präsentiert eine neue Super-Charging-EV-Technologie. Damit sollen E-Autos fast so schnell aufgeladen werden können, wie ...
The expiring frequency usage rights of the three major mobile network operators are to be extended until 2030.
Almost 90 European companies and associations are demanding clear commitments from Ursula von der Leyen in order to achieve ...
With iOS 19, there is to be a major redesign of the software for the iPhone. This would result in some fundamental changes to the appearance.
France began generating electricity using the power of the sea back in the 1960s. A new tidal power plant is being built off ...
In some situations, humanoid robots can quickly lose their footing and fall. A new framework is designed to help them get up ...
In Germany, public and private television broadcasters are working together with associations and authorities to develop a ...
According to a report, Apple is working on several large displays in parallel. The company has been waiting for a new Studio ...
More options are moving from the Windows Control Panel to the Settings app. Coming soon: all mouse settings. Microsoft is ...
Fast 90 europäische Unternehmen und Verbände fordern von Ursula von der Leyen klare Zusagen, um mehr digitale Souveränität zu ...
Familienministerin Lisa Paus bestellte bei Fraunhofer ein Rahmenwerk für einen datenschutzfreundlichen Altersnachweis im ...
Make stellt kostenlose Moodles zur Verfügung, mit denen Lehrerinnen und Lehrer praktische Projekt mit Arduino und Raspi im ...