Ge en gåva till KIND och stöd forskningen om autism, adhd, utvecklingsrelaterad språkstörning, dyslexi och andra utvecklingsneurologiska funktionsnedsättningar. Verksamheten drivs med stöd från ...
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Inom sektionen för Urologi på Karolinska Institutet vid Danderyds Sjukhus studerar vi hur urologiska sjukdomar påverkar vår hälsa. Vårt övergripande mål är att öka kunskapen kring våra urologiska ...
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The aim of the prehospital research group is to conduct groundbreaking research in prehospital emergency care. Focusing on improving patient outcomes through nursing and medical science, medical ...
I en studie publicerad i Biomarkers Research undersöker Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg, Xia Hao och Jian Zhao hur mitokondrier förändras från att vara jämnt fördelade till att bilda kluster under mognaden ...
The sonicator consists of two units: a Bioruptor Cooler and a Sonicator with a water bath and a rotating system. The stands and inserts for 0,2- and 1,5-ml tubes and other accessories are located in ...
In our team, we integrate various advanced experimental approaches to investigate disease-specific subpopulations of myeloid cells in blood and tissues from patients and healthy individuals. Currently ...
Our projects investigate immuno-metabolic reprogramming during viral infections, focusing on how viruses hijack host metabolism to facilitate replication and development of host-directed therapy.
We aim to understand common global interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) responses against different viruses can provide a novel avenue for viral antagonism. Cell intrinsic and innate immune responses like ...
The Center for Cellular Cancer Therapy (C3T) at Karolinska Institutet successfully held its first annual Workshop on September 5-6, 2024, at the beautiful Rönneberga Konferens Center in Lidingö, ...