Many common neuropsychiatric diseases, such as substance dependence/abuse, schizophrenia and manic depression, have similar dynamical profiles – they are characterized by a recurrent loss of normal ...
Theranostics Trial Center (TTC) vid Karolinska Institutet och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset har tilldelats över 15 miljoner kronor av Vinnova för att driva ett nytt projekt inom precisionsmedicin.
[Uppdaterad 2025-01-28] Karolinska Institutet ansvarar för att genomföra kunskapsprov för tandläkare som utbildats utanför EU och EES. Kunskapsproven genomförs på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen.
Did you know that Karolinska Institutet (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities? KI is consistently among the highest ranked universities in the world and has been dedicated to medical ...
A multidisciplinary research center, established in 2000 by Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, with the mission to improve the health and well-being of older individuals by contributing ...
Sedan 1993 har Nationellt centrum för suicidforskning och prevention (NASP) arbetat med att bistå regeringen och Region Stockholms beslutsfattare och invånare med kunskapsunderlag, kunskapsutveckling ...
Research on rehabilitation, recovery, and care after COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 condition (ReCOV).
The following three centres are linked to the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society: Aging Research Center (ARC) Center for Alzheimer Research (CAR) ...
The Post COVID Network — a network for the long-term consequences after the pandemic The network is interdisciplinary and multi-professional and combines expertise from diverse medical disciplines, ...
Save the date for upcoming activites spring 2025! Digital network meeting, March 26 Wednesday March 26, at 16.00 - 17.00 More information to follow. Workshop, June 11 Wednesday June 11 at 12.00 - ...
The steering group is made up of members from several KI departments.
Want to join the network or receive more information? If you want to join our e-mail list or get in contact with the network, please send an e-mail to Malin Nygren-Bonnier.