In other words, Bogdan is charged not for any action committed or planned, but for his Trotskyist ideas, a “thoughtcrime.” ...
Al Amal (Hope) is a new bimonthly newsletter produced by the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering, documenting issues and struggles ...
First Issue of Al Amal with articles on the ongoing civil war in Sudan. Why Would You Become an Anarchist in Sudan?
A Solidarity Federation Hospitality Workers' Union leaflet regarding a dispute with the owners of Almost Famous and Super ...
Very short article by the KAPD about what it and the AAU is and what it wants. Originally published in "KAZ, 1928, No. 66".
The attacker waited until most of my friends had left the club, followed me into the toilets, where he punched me several ...
An obituary to the Council Communist and Surrealist poet Benjamin Péret by the Anarchist "Noir et Rouge". Originally ...
By the Hungarian Council Communist organization MBKSZ, this article talks about the so-called bankruptcy of marxism in ...
Appel for KAPD's journal Der Proletarier, this text criticizes the reconstruction of Russia under the NEP and various other ...
Very short article by the KAPD about the 2nd issue of the journal of Réveil Communiste, which in the future would become L' ...
Including: cold war, anti-semitism in eastern Europe, London and Liverpool dockers strike, the downfall of Tito, co-operative farming in Iowa, Bill Borland obituary, etc.
A letter, written around 1880, to Karl Marx from the Executive Committee of the Russian Social Revolutionary Party of the ...