人类学家达伦·拜勒对新疆再教育营的长期研究,对其受害者和参与者密集而深入的采访,以及对更广范的数字围墙及其产业链条的剖析,向我们揭示了作为中国的高科技流放地,新疆是怎样成为殖民资本主义前沿阵地的。 “通过介绍过去50年中世界经济及劳动 ...
In other words, Bogdan is charged not for any action committed or planned, but for his Trotskyist ideas, a “thoughtcrime.” ...
Al Amal (Hope) is a new bimonthly newsletter produced by the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering, documenting issues and struggles ...
First Issue of Al Amal with articles on the ongoing civil war in Sudan. Why Would You Become an Anarchist in Sudan?
A Solidarity Federation Hospitality Workers' Union leaflet regarding a dispute with the owners of Almost Famous and Super ...
Including: cold war, anti-semitism in eastern Europe, London and Liverpool dockers strike, the downfall of Tito, co-operative ...
Very short article by the KAPD about what it and the AAU is and what it wants. Originally published in "KAZ, 1928, No. 66".
An obituary to the Council Communist and Surrealist poet Benjamin Péret by the Anarchist "Noir et Rouge". Originally ...
By the Hungarian Council Communist organization MBKSZ, this article talks about the so-called bankruptcy of marxism in ...
The attacker waited until most of my friends had left the club, followed me into the toilets, where he punched me several ...
نوشتهای که در پی میآید، بنا به تقاضای یکی از رفقای مقیم ایالات غربی پس از شرکت در اجلاس «همهچیز برای همه» در اوت 2012 در شهر «سیاتل» که اکثراً اعضای «معتدل مائوئیستی» از جریان «کاساما» در ...
John Holloway on the need to abolish money/value. Hope lies in our richness, in the joy of our collective creativity. But that richness exists… 1991 collection edited by Open Marxists Werner Bonefeld ...