The Caves Of Androzani is, notably, the only actually good Doctor Who story from 1984. This is not just my opinion — consensus opinion (the Doctor Who Magazine reader’s poll) places it as the best ...
Earthshock is almost universally considered one of the very best Doctor Who stories of Peter Davison’s tenure in the role, with only The Caves Of Androzani offering it much competition. In Doctor Who ...
For about 40 minutes Hawkman is the ultimate drinking buddy. A full force, steamhouse of hearty ale-swilling and shot-slamming. He wants to try all the drinks in the world in every different way. He ...
You hear that? Of course you do, it’s startling, nigh on deafening! It’s the NEW HIGH CONCEPT ALARM!
An interesting aspect in the reading and long-term appreciation of superhero-comics, one of few nearly unique to the genre-medium, is the impact that a single image of a single character can have. Few ...
Right, offline in the real world, I occasionally enjoy a pint with Bulk Meat. The Meat, incidentally, hates his name and to be honest we never call him it to his face anymore – the man’s a father, a ...
Batman and Robin are alerted to a series of thefts, involving cat-related items (a model catamaran, a catalogue, and mittens belonging to one Andrew S Kitten). As they correctly hypothesise, these ...
Kicking off this latest round of rambling grumbles and incomprehensible cross talk is Amy Poodle who has a thing or two to say about Paul Cornell’s work ...
“The outside is not “empirically” exterior; it is transcendentally exterior, i.e. it is not just a matter of something being distant in space and time, but of something which is beyond our ordinary ...
Don't let SILENCE go silent! Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die need your generous donations to pay for podcast hosting over the next year. Anything you can spare would be gratefully received.
Don't let SILENCE go silent! Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die need your generous donations to pay for podcast hosting over the next year. Anything you can spare would be gratefully received.
Join Rosie, Adam and Mark as they gather to discuss episode 25 of Mark Frost and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, sometimes known as On the Wings of Love. This week on Diane the team talks RRRRROMANCE as our ...