– In 1846, the target was continental expansion, not clear how far downwards and upwards, but essentially contiguous ...
Moreover, he has already breached the historic firewall around the far right by using the AfD’s parliamentary backing to pass ...
The Kurdish forces, then, appear to believe that swallowing this bitter pill is the only way to preserve their social base ...
The situation recalled Tom Nairn’s verdict on the Labour administration of Harold Wilson in 1965, which he said had not just ...
'Nowadays, national literature doesn’t mean much: the age of world literature is beginning, and everybody should contribute to hasten its advent.’ This was Goethe, of course, talking to Eckermann in ...
Your IP address has not been registered against any accounts. If you believe you should have access from this address, you should contact your librarian. Explanation: Institutional ...
Hermeneutics first. Nick Adams, the protagonist of Hemingway’s short story ‘Big Two-Hearted River’ (1925), is about to go fishing: Nick took it from his hook book, sitting with the rod across his lap.
Icoined the term ‘antisystemic movement’ in the 1970s in order to have a formulation that would group together what had, historically and analytically, been two distinct and in many ways rival kinds ...
A fifth phase in the evolution of the journal runs approximately from late 1968 to mid 1971 (nos 52–67). A general radicalization, amidst the inter national student and worker upsurges in Western ...
During this year’s protests against the Eurozone’s austerity measures—in Greece and, on a smaller scale, Ireland, Italy and Spain—two stories have imposed themselves.footnote 1 The predominant, ...
The long route from the informal shop-floor democracy of the first Briggs strike to the boardroom wheeling-dealing of the 1950 settlement, and the corresponding dilution and displacement of rank and ...
In times like these, the very appearance of an essay like Oliver Eagleton’s offers a glimmer of hope.footnote 1 His critique of my work is both historically conscious and generous towards the often ...