Objectives: A medical surveillance programme was introduced into Ontario for workers exposed to diisocyanates in 1983, but no mandated surveillance programme is in effect in this province for other ...
Correspondence to Dr Quentin V Durand-Moreau, Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Canada; durandmo{at}ualberta.ca If you ...
Objectives Meta-analyses are considered generally as the highest level of evidence, but concerns have been voiced about their massive, low-quality production. This paper aimed to evaluate the ...
Modern occupational tasks are often complex – consisting of multiple, discrete sub-tasks, each with its own unique combination of force, duration of exertion, posture, and frequency. Quantifying the ...
4 The Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, 0027 Oslo, Norway Correspondence to: Dr B Randem Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Rikshospitalet ...
Aims: To evaluate mortality in New Zealand phenoxy herbicide producers and sprayers exposed to dioxins. Methods: Phenoxy herbicide producers (n = 1025) and sprayers (n = 703) were followed up from 1 ...
Random error (misclassification) in exposure measurements usually biases a relative risk, regression coefficient, or other effect measure towards the null value (no ...
Aims: Traffic noise is a psychosocial stressor. Epidemiological studies suggest chronic noise stress to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disorders. Methods: In a prospective cohort study, the ...
5 Pulmonary and Critical Care Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Correspondence to: Dr D Christiani Occupational Health Program, ...
OBJECTIVES--This two part study aimed to determine whether there was an excess mortality generally or for some diseases among middle aged white South African gold miners on the Witwatersrand and ...
Occupational stress is an emerging problem among physician and nurses, and those working in intensive care settings are particularly exposed to the risk of developing burnout. To verify what types of ...
Correspondence to Dr Christine G Parks, Epidemiology Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA; parks1{at}niehs.nih.gov Objectives Farming has ...