According to Lele, the best manu jumpers enter the water back first, creating a V-shape with their legs and upper body. The ...
Previously, “both physicists and neuroscientists have largely dismissed the relevance of standard quantum mechanics to neuronal processes, as quantum effects are thought to disappear at the large ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World account is separate to any IOP acco ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World ...
Could the tools we build to reflect our intelligence start distorting our very sense of self? Artificial intelligence (AI) is ...
Quantum technologies are flourishing the world over, with advances across the board researching practical applications such ...
The administration of US president Donald Trump continues to introduce polices that strip the government’s support of US ...
NASA has launched a $488m infra-red mission to map the distribution of galaxies and study cosmic inflation. The ...
New simulations reveal that the climate, atmospheric chemistry and even global photosynthesis would be dramatically disrupted by an asteroid collision ...
Access more than 20 years of online content Manage which e-mail newsletters you want to receive Read about the big breakthroughs and innovations across 13 scientific ...
The APS has combined its March Meeting and April Meeting into the Global Physics Summit, the largest physics conference in the world ...
These results suggest that similar reactions between helium and iron may have occurred within Earth’s core shortly after its formation, trapping much of the primordial helium-3 in the material that ...