The Elder Scrolls series has a long tradition of modding, and one of the most anticipated mods for Skyrim is Skwyind. Skywind is a mod that will completely port Morrowind to the Skyrim engine and ...
The recent, sudden shutting down of Telltale Games has certainly been the topic of much discussion and debate within the gaming community lately, and for good reason: it has shed more light into the ...
This game was originally released as Water Margin: The Tale of Clouds and Wind when it was first released on the Sega Mega Drive. When QuByte acquired the publishing rights from Piko Interactive for ...
First person shooters are an interesting bunch. There are many of them and all too often they fall into a series of clichés and traps that often leave them feeling stuck in a rut. Then we have ...
At Licensing Expo 2022, Legendary announced multiple projects based on the MonsterVerse. First is a 2.5D Action-Adventure game set after the events of Godzilla vs Kong where players will use the ...
For decades now, there have been stories that Nintendo ran love hotels back in the day. A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel found around the world operated primarily for the purpose of allowing ...
Mazinger Z is celebrating its 50th anniversary and to celebrate, a special announcement was made for fans. A deal has been reached for HAMSTER to release the arcade game adaptation of Mazinger Z as ...
Another Touhou spinoff title is upon us as the HD Remaster of Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony has arrived on PC and Switch. This game will instantly appeal to any fan of the classic style ...
Orca Games has announced today a licencing deal with tabletop wargaming giant Games Workshop, the company behind global IP’s Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The product of this ...
Bitmap books have rapidly become the go-to publisher for books about retro gaming and the newest release, I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002, continues that ...
Taiko no Tasujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun wont see the release of the HORI drum peripheral stateside, but there is an alternative. Those who have the game, the GameCube adapter and the DK Bongos will find ...
It isn’t often that a movie comes along that is so horrifying, that the studio demands content to be cut then destroyed forever. This was the fate of Event Horizon, a movie so gory and nightmarish ...