Steen Heidemann’s collection will be installed as a semi-permanent exhibition in the Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
Public schools are learning to empower their Muslim students so they can be their authentic selves in a place they spend much ...
Isaac Villegas' new book, 'Migrant God,' offers a theological vision for the ways Christian faith transcends national borders ...
Valerie and Nathan Hamaker, co-hosts of ‘Latter Day Struggles,’ have resigned their LDS church membership rather than attend ...
Almost half of Jewish women surveyed said their experience in rabbinical court for a divorce harmed their mental health.
The spread of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the U.S. was a way for Irish immigrant communities, who in the 19th century ...
Jewish American artists were at the heart of the comics industry – and a closer read of beloved characters reflects fears ...
Several Protestant denominations are losing members, particularly the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist and other historic ...
Alcoholics Anonymous helped make the Serenity Prayer famous, but it was written by one of the 20th century’s most influential ...
Host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raishenbush talks with Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) about America's fraught politics, defending ...
Unlike other Christian denominations, a Christian Scientist's pastor is not a flesh-and-blood human being. Instead, it is two ...