We have to face the fact that social media is now the primary way that many people get their information. More than half of ...
I have always had a bias towards the Appeal to Nature Fallacy:An Appeal to Nature Fallacy happens when someone argues that ...
I only feel comfortable suggesting an RCT of routine vaccines because I am confident it wouldn't get off the ground.
Born in 1962 in Najaf, Iraq, Tabrizian is a high-ranked Shi’a cleric (an ayatollah) and a graduate of major Shi’a seminaries.
Our new Secretary of Health and Human Services wants to change CDC messaging about vaccines to emphasize "informed consent." ...
Will new studies cause large numbers of anti-vaxxers to say "Wow. It turns our vaccines don't cause autism after all. I've ...
"Journalist" Paul Thacker defends Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and the Great Barrington Declaration by rehashing the same old ...
Myths spread by contrarian doctors to minimize COVID are being recycled to minimize measles. The anti-vaccine circle is ...
It didn't take long for concerns about RFKs unscientific ideological approach to healthcare to manifest. We are in the middle ...
The implications of these advances are enormous. Recent studies show that rejuvenated RBCs have better survival rates and ...
An excellent article on the BBC gives a good overview of the continuing controversy over universal lockdowns as a pandemic ...