and/or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and to our better understanding ...
Mission-driven organizations should look beyond the tech sector and build AI partnerships with academia, CBOs, artists, and ...
Jeroo Billimoria started the childline India Foundation in Mumbai, India, as a toll-free telephone help line connecting street children with a wide range of support services. She quickly became aware ...
The nonprofit organization Worldreader launched in 2010 with a simple and clear mission: to bring digital books to disadvantaged children and their families. In just five years, the organization has ...
There is no culture change without support for artists to become agents of change. and/or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and to our better ...
After purchasing airline tickets through Travelocity a few months ago, I received this offer from Arlington, Va.-based Conservation Fund: “Effectively offset the negative environmental impact of your ...
Mark 1 is exhausted. As a committed environmentalist activist, he logs hundreds of pro bono hours every year organizing rallies, circulating petitions, raising funds, lobbying legislators, and ...
As a Black girl growing up in a segregated St. Louis, Missouri, in the 1950s and early ’60s, I adopted the prevailing story about our country. Nobody ever sat me down and laid it out. Rather, it was ...
Take the ultra-wealthy women who’ve recently made headlines for giving away their fortunes. Melinda Gates has been carving out her own giving path via Pivotal Ventures since divorcing Bill Gates and ...
As the global financial crisis unfolds, those least responsible—our world’s poor—will be most affected. Many have called upon President Obama to uphold his campaign commitment to double foreign ...
Much of artificial intelligence (AI) in common use is dedicated to predicting people’s behavior. It tries to anticipate your next purchase, your next mouse-click, your next job move. But such ...
Everyone in the social sector, it seems, is discussing how to use data to deliver social good. The coming years will no doubt see the continued growth in data-driven nonprofits and social businesses, ...