Data policies serve as the guardrails for how organizations manage their most valuable asset: data. Just as communities ...
My name is Bill Burkett, and I am a data modeler.  I don’t call myself that often and sometimes have misgivings about doing ...
When I read about new technologies, I often think of the movie “Field of Dreams.” The protagonist builds a baseball field in ...
Digital co-workers are no longer hypothetical. AI-driven agents (“Agentics”) are creeping into every function, every decision ...
If you haven’t already heard, a number of organizations have laid off their CDOs and CDO groups and data teams because of a ...
I am just going to start off by saying that I am a Laura Madsen fan. Her writing style combines… ...
Data steward forums are catalysts for organizational data wisdom and cultural transformation. When executed thoughtfully, they become your strongest asset in building a data-driven organization.
The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in data archiving for IT operations has transformed how organizations manage vast amounts… ...
You’ve probably heard the expression, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” For this column, I am going to… ...
Through big data modeling, data-driven organizations can better understand and manage the complexities of big data, improve business intelligence (BI),… ...