A wildlife corridor plans to connect two Superfund sites at the former Rocky Flats plutonium plant and the Rocky Mountain ...
The critical infrastructure provided by NOAA and NWS cannot and will never be duplicated by the private sector.
Peter Hitchcock is a professor of Earth and atmospheric science at Cornell University.
Ph.D. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics from the University of L’Aquila, in Italy, in 2018. He moved to Cornell in the same year, where he started as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Sibley School ...
At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
The increasingly broad application of the phrase "tipping point" across biogeophysical and social phenomena muddles its ...
Government data is a vast resource that everyone relies on, whether they know it or not. Experts are worried about the future ...
As the name suggests, permafrost was long considered to be permanent. But more recently, researchers have come to realize ...
The evidence is mounting that vast changes are not only possible, but increasingly likely as the Earth warms. But how close ...
Lenton, the founding director of the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, was the lead author of the 2008 ...
For roughly about 65 million years, the forests of the Amazonian were resilient to changes in the climate. But that is ...
David Armstrong McKay is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Sussex and the lead author of a 2022 paper that ...