Diagnosis Mean total healthcare cost per hospitalisation (SD) in thousand VND and in US$ Mean of total healthcare cost per outpatient visit (SD) in thousand VND and in US$ ...
Neighbourhood access to singles 0.79 (0.45 to 1.40) 0.72 (0.47 to 1.09) 0.72 (0.46 to 1.12) Middle school 0.90 (0.73 to 1.11) 0.90 (0.73 to 1.11) Vocational, high ...
*Statuses add up over 100% given some studies sampled more than one smoking status.
ECIG, electronic cigarette; FA, furfural; HMF, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
Setting an example for children Concern about secondhand smoke effect Disapproval of smoking in family Disapproval of smoking in Chinese society ...
Introduction Understanding product development and marketing strategies of transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) has been of vital importance in developing an effective tobacco control policy.
Background Studies that assess waterpipe tobacco smoking behaviour and toxicant exposure generally use controlled laboratory environments with small samples that may not fully capture real-world ...
Background Tobacco use is still highly prevalent in Europe, despite the tobacco control efforts made by the governments. The development of tobacco control policies varies substantially across ...
Source: authors’ calculations from total cigarette sales data obtained from the National Board of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh, and number of adult smokers calculated by ...
Pierce JP, Gilpin EA, Emery SL et al. Has the California tobacco control program reduced smoking? JAMA1998;:–9. 20 78 Pierce JP, Macaskill P, Hill D. Long-term effectiveness of mass media led ...
Border State Relative Price Difference −0.511* −0.693 −0.318 Border State Relative Price Difference Variance 0.557* 0.431 0.731 The model also includes state and year fixed effects.
Source: Lorenzo Spizzichino, Italian Institute for Statistics (ISTAT), Italian Ministry of Health, 8 April 2008, personal communication.