Nearly 1 in 2 Muslims (47%) experience racial discrimination, up from 39% in 2016. The highest rates in the 13 survey ...
Trotz zahlreicher Fortschritte sind die Rechte von Frauen einem UN-Bericht zufolge in jedem vierten Land der Welt bedroht. Demnach hat sich die Zahl der Frauen und Mädchen, die in Konfliktgebieten ...
A Hora do Planeta é sobre solidariedade, esperança e o poder da ação coletiva. Todos os anos, milhões de pessoas apagam as luzes para realçar a necessidade de ação climática. Hoje peço-lhe que seja um ...
The European Union is hosting the Ninth Brussels Conference titled "Standing with Syria: Meeting the Needs for a Successful Transition." ...
Le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) se mobilise pour intensifier son aide à l’intérieur de Gaza une fois qu’un accès sûr sera accordé a déclaré sa directrice, Cindy McCain. Des camions du PAM « ...
New UN websites & publications Women’s Rights in Review 30 Years After Beijing (UN WOMEN) Women’s and girls’ rights are facing unprecedented growing threats worldwide, from higher levels of ...
UN-Generalsekretär Guterres warnt angesichts der US-Zölle auf Stahl und Aluminium vor einem internationalen Handelskrieg. Die ...
The UNESCO Courier podcast series deals with subjects related to current events in education, science or culture.
© UNICEF/Dar Al Mussawir - People gather around a bombed building in a southern suburb of Beirut. The situation for Gazans remains dire despite hopes stemming from ...
Mais de 23 milhões de pessoas no Afeganistão precisam de assistência humanitária. O corte de financiamento já resultou no encerramento de mais de 200 unidades de saúde, afetando cerca de 1.8 milhões d ...
Der UN-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte, Volker Türk, hat gefordert, das Töten von Zivilisten in den Küstengebieten im ...
Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes. Plastic pollution is a global problem. Every year 19-23 million tonnes of ...