Funding for at least one project — a buildout of electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the state — is “done” for, a VTrans official said. Other funds are under “review” by the feds.
Legislative leaders conceded that they are willing to walk away from about $14.9 million in state spending — but made a single request in return.
GMT has ended the policy known as “Let Them Ride,” which roughly 6% to 7% of riders used during the 10 months it was in place, Clayton Clark, GMT’s general manager, said in a Tuesday press conference.
To speak bluntly, I am absolutely horrified at these tariffs,” said Sen. Peter Welch, who convened the meeting.
The Essex Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed project Thursday, according to town manager Greg Duggan.
A House bill with broad support would exempt “cottage” food manufacturers with annual sales under $30,000 from inspection and licensing.
I’m hopeful that with more education and a growing group of people who enjoy viewing wildlife, more people can enjoy sharing the landscape with coyotes instead of viewing them as enemies.
For Sunshine Week 2025, it is crucial to shed light on Vermont’s laws for a transparent and open government. The state of Vermont’s commitment to manage and safeguard its local and state government ...