This experimental indicator is derived from Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Business Activity Statements (BAS) turnover data from monthly BAS remitters. It includes 13 of the 19 ...
National and state information about adult prisoners and community-based corrections, including legal status, custody type, Indigenous status and sex.
The total value of residential dwellings in Australia rose by $26.4 billion to $11,032.2 billion this quarter. The number of residential dwellings rose by 53,200 to 11,294,300 this quarter. The mean ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
In Australia of people who were born in Italy and had a spouse or partner, 70.4% had a spouse or partner who was born overseas and 27.9% had a spouse or partner born in Australia. Note: Total does not ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...
In Australia of people who were born in Sri Lanka and who were in the labour force, 61.4% worked full-time, 26.0% worked part-time and 8.4% were unemployed. The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the ...
Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the sum of ...