The former premier plans to open his own company specialising in financial support for African countries, which could bring ...
As part of the French president's visit to Madagascar on 22 April, a meeting will be held between Medef and the Groupement ...
Initially scheduled for 24 and 25 April, the Forum Invest in Senegal event is in danger of being postponed until November for ...
Hydraulics specialist Envex is to rehabilitate the Les Dunes and Bousfer sea water desalination plants in Oran, two of the seven sited in the wilaya. The Oran water resources department awarded it the ...
Candidates for the 12 April presidential election will have from 27 February until 8 March to register. And among them is likely to be the journalist and founder of the now defunct pan-African ...
Italian businessman Luciano Fragola who runs the Eldo group has dropped his project for an industrial zone specializing in clothing textiles, " Carthage Fashion City, " that was to have opened in the ...
The secretary-general of Algeria's security agency Direction Generale de la Surete Nationale (DGSN), Mahmoud Mohand-Amokrane, is to attend courses this year at France's Institute for Higher Domestic ...
ODEP, the agency that manages Morocco's ports, has announced a 114 million DH program to upgrade the port of Safi with the acquisition of new cranes and a tug. The program is aimed at increasing the ...
JOANNOU & PARASKEVAIDES J&P OVERSEAS (Greece) has won a contract to build a 120 km-long gas pipeline between Melitah and Tripoli.
The leaders of the ruling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) who are faithful to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi are seeking to use the same legal weapon against the party's current dissidents that ...
EADS SOGERMA-TUNISIE, based at Monastir, aims to become a regional center for aircraft maintenance. Its local partner is Nouvelair, subsidiary of the hotel and transportation company owned by Aziz ...