The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has started running a new laboratory specialised in determining the composition of wine thanks to the use of ...
In den Wüstengebieten von Namibia, Oman und Saudi-Arabien sind bei Forschungsarbeiten besondere Phänomene aufgefallen, die wahrscheinlich auf die ...
In the desert areas of Namibia, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, research work has revealed unusual structures that are probably due to the activity of an ...
Con dati satellitari e modelli computerizzati, le ricercatrici e i ricercatori dell’SLF insegnano al personale specializzato ...
SLF researchers are training Indian specialists to use satellite data and computer models to identify impending natural hazards and areas that could ...
Les chercheurs du SLF forment des spécialistes indiens à l’identification de dangers naturels imminents et de zones ...
SLF-Forschende schulen indisches Fachpersonal, mit Satellitendaten und Computermodellen drohende Naturgefahren und potenziell ...
Researchers from the Universities of Granada (Spain) and Southern Denmark reveal a new abiotic process driven by sunlight ...
In a recent study published in Restoration Ecology, researchers from the University of Eastern Finland measured post-restoration Sphagnum moss layer ...
A recent study evaluating garnet-type solid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries finds that their expected energy density ...
Im vergangenen Jahrzehnt setzten Extremereignisse wie Hitze, Trockenheit, Stürme und Schadorganismen dem Schweizer Wald stark ...
Over the past decade, extreme events such as heat, drought, storms and pests have taken a heavy toll on Swiss forests. In ...