首页» 新闻» 10 种对宠物有害的常见家养植物以及一些更安全的替代品 室内植物可以照亮您的生活空间,为室内增添一丝自然气息,但一些受欢迎的植物可能会对您的宠物造成严重风险。许多最常见的室内植物都有毒,即使是小口咬一口也会导致严重的健康问题 ...
纳米比亚纳米布沙漠索苏斯维来 (Sossusvlei) 的红色风沙,这里的深根植物已经适应了恶劣的环境。公园里最大的沙丘被称为 45 号沙丘,也称“大爸爸”,在背景中清晰可见。图片来自 Seed。 为了生存,一些动物已经适应了地球上最恶劣的气候,忍受着对大多数 ...
被遗弃的箱子。图片由 East Coast Bulldog Rescue 通过 Facebook 提供。 宾夕法尼亚州的一位居民意外发现了一幕:他们家门口放着一个纸箱,上面写着“免费小狗”。他们好奇地往里面看了一眼,发现里面有一只八周大的白色小狗。它独自蜷缩在箱子里,温柔的目光中 ...
Zola’s pool time is more than fun. It’s part of the zoo’s effort to keep animals mentally and physically sharp. This activity lets animals like Zola behave naturally, which is vital to their happiness ...
Dogs are known for their comical reactions and ability to make anyone laugh no matter the circumstances. In a viral video on TikTok, one pup had a trick up her sleeve when she scared her older sibling ...
海狸。图片来自 Deposit photos。 海狸通常被视为大自然的工程师,在塑造北美各地的生态系统方面发挥着极其重要的作用。它们独特的行为和适应能力不仅改变了景观,还为无数其他物种创造了有益的环境。本文探讨了海狸对周围环境的惊人影响及其在生态平衡中 ...
When you think of sharks, do you imagine mindless killers? What about bats—creepy creatures of the night? Many animals suffer from a bad reputation, but the truth is often far from what we’ve been led ...
The Bahamas provides a habitat for many endangered animals. Some are born in this region, but some migrate and stay there during winter. Endangered species are those species that are risking ...
When envisioning the expansive, snowy wilderness of Alaska, one can’t help but picture the steadfast dogs that thrive amidst its frozen terrain. These loyal and enduring canines possess an innate ...
The vast oceans of our planet are home to myriad wonders. Among these is the formidable great white shark, a creature that captures human imagination with its sheer power and mystique. Yet, while ...
In a tiny, cold kennel at a packed shelter in Kansas, a terrified dog trembled uncontrollably, her sad eyes filled with fear. This two-year-old terrier mix pressed ...
Explore the fascinating world of armadillos! These special animals have always wowed nature lovers with shield shells and interesting features. Join us in learning scientific knowledge about these ...