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The vast majority of foreign travellers benefit from the “transit privilege” - if during a stopover at a German airport, you do not leave the International Airport Area and if the destination ...
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania ...
* The term “country” is used without prejudice to the German Government’s position on the status of any given country or region.
Today (27 February) a Federal Foreign Office Spokesperson issued the following statement on the comments by Abdullah Ocalan: ...
Here you will find the address and location of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and information for getting in touch with the Help Desk.
Lage in Bosnien und Herzegowina Fischer (AA) Guten Tag! ‑ Wir beobachten die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Bosnien und ...
Mit der Internationalen Diplomatenausbildung werden junge ausländische Diplomatinnen und Diplomaten eingeladen, schon am Beginn ihrer Karriere in Deutschland berufliche Erfahrungen zu machen ...
As a general rule non-EU nationals need a residence title (visa or residence permit) to take up employment in Germany. By law the residence title has to give information whether and to which ...
I. Legalization of foreign public documents Foreign public documents to which none of the exceptions mentioned under II, III and IV apply, can be legalized for use in Germany. Legalization is ...
In den nordöstlichen Landesteilen werden fortlaufend terroristische Gewaltakte, wie z.B. Angriffe und Sprengstoffanschläge von militanten Gruppen auf die Zivilgesellschaft, Sicherheitskräfte ...